Hi! I’m Laura.
I’m so happy you’re here!
Cooking is one of my favorite things in the entire world. I love to create new recipes, try out new cooking methods, and experimenting with flavors. My recipes will have keep you having fun in the kitchen, trying out delicious flavors, and maybe learning a new skill or two!

“…I realized cooking is truly my passion. As frustrating as it can be when a recipe goes wrong, my kitchen is where I’m happiest..”
A little bit more about me…
As a young girl, I loved the idea of getting to try new recipes. I received my first cookbook when I was around nine, my first “grown up” apron at thirteen, and convinced my mom to let me try every recipe she’d let me in her “Five Ingredients or Less” cookbook. I watched over my parent’s shoulders as they made sugar cookies for Christmas and decorated cakes for birthdays, while they grilled dinners in the summer and prepared snacks for get-togethers with friends. Being in the kitchen and finding joy in the food we ate was a way of life.
In college I was chomping at the bit to get my own kitchen, to start experimenting with both the food I grew up eating and new foods that I just knew I’d love. Using the baseline knowledge I had from my family, I taught myself to cook with a lot of trial and error. In those years, my kitchen was very minimal, there was one semester where I didn’t have an oven. Most times I couldn’t follow recipes exactly and had to figure out how to adapt so my food was edible, and even sometimes pretty tasty. After plenty of failures, I started to feel like I found my footing and could create meals that I was proud of eating and serving to friends.
Jump a few years to 2020. When the world shut down and we were all spending time at home, I took the opportunity to refine my cooking skills even more. It was the perfect creative release – we had to stay at home regardless, we had to eat dinner every night, so why not try as many recipes as I could? I planned themed nights-in with coordinated apps and drinks, searched for videos on the best way to chop different vegetables, and scoured the internet for new food blogs to find inspiration.
It was during this time that I realized cooking is truly my passion. As frustrating as it can be when a recipe goes wrong, my kitchen is where I’m happiest. At the end of every day, I decompress while cooking dinner. The site of a beautiful block of cheese gets my giddy. When new fruits and vegetables come into season I cheer for the seasonal recipes I get to make. And don’t even get me started on the power of a freshly baked pastry.
My dream for this blog is to spread my excitement for trying new things and hopefully bring a little bit of joy and comfort to your kitchen table.
xxoxx Laura